Why Oil Prices Are Likely to Fall:

dp box logoIn the related article are six reasons that the price of oil is headed lower rather continuing higher.

As oil prices have turned upward over the past few weeks, the cost of moving anything from point A to point B increases and the cost of everything goes up.  There are conditions under which the supply exceeds the demand and therefore prices will fall.  Bear in mind, while temporarily good news, the amount of decaying carbon-based material that ends up as recoverable oil is limited and not likely to be renewable in the next few thousand years.  But, for the foreseeable future, there is likely reason for some price relief for everything connected to this fossil fuel.


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David is a creative soul who pursued art, music, and photography since his youth. A former public school teacher at the high school level, David has lead instruction for groups both large and small. With three books to his publishing credit and several presentation programs, David continues teaching others the skill sets that have brought him success.

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