Financial Literacy Home

A little writing on the wall:

“Both of these are stamped “ONE DOLLAR”, so why is the exchange value between them nearly 35:1?
Have you calculated the rate of inflation over your lifetime?
Do you trust the federal government to report accurate statistics?
what they say vs. real effect

What’s coming soon is a period of turmoil and in order to survive financially, people will need 2 important skills:

Money Management

Alternate Cash Flow

We need be exceptionally efficient.

Money Management and Cash Flow are different skills; their contrasts not often taught nor understood. Many people can create great cash flow, however, lack of money management skills is why, despite good cash flow, budgets often run short; why many are still broke and in debt.

We need to control our cash flow.

Many also think their main source of cash flow is solid and wholly predictable. That security might be shaken in the months and years ahead. To be financially anti-fragile requires control of a second or third cash flow that you control rather than some boss at a job.

You can learn these skills here on I’ve tapped my experience in helping people of all ages with my online course content, and my MoneySmart book:

See the links in the site menu. I wrote and published these resources hoping to help those who needed to learn these lessons. You can help by finding useful tools and sharing what you have found with those who will need your help!

America is a freedom mindset carried wherever we go; a country and nation “of the people, by the people, and for the people…” Act like it.

Literacy is the condition or quality of being knowledgeable in a particular subject or field.

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"Wealth is never destroyed, its transferred from those with poor information to those with good information". Mike Maloney

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