Issues with Capitalism and Oligarchy

The video below is an excerpt from the Personal Financial Education series at The series strives to present and prepare people on the topics of money, finances, and growing their wealth* which should be taught in school, but isn’t.

Saved from the cutting room floor, excerpted here, and added as bonus content to the Build Your Credit series. The video that follows is a 5 min perspective on the contrast between what people continue to refer to as “capitalsim” and free enterprise.

When you speak live or aren’t following a strict script for on-camera video production, it’s not hard to jump down the rabbit hole to interesting or related topics. What you have to say can be important or pertinent, but may be just enough off-topic to clip and move elsewhere; hence this snippet. I hope you enjoy or benefit from my perspective.

*Just in case it be prudent to clarify my view, I define wealth as an abundance, or more than you need. By that definition wealth starts at “enough money for lunch tomorrow” because you won’t die without it today. Therefore, wealth describes a broad spectrum of success and isn’t limited to money.

See more Personal Finance Education under the Publications tab or click [HERE]


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David is a creative soul who pursued art, music, and photography since his youth. A former public school teacher at the high school level, David has lead instruction for groups both large and small. With three books to his publishing credit and several presentation programs, David continues teaching others the skill sets that have brought him success.

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