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FAQ: Don't I need money to invest to get started?
Posted by David P.
Asked on March 3, 2022 10:51 am

Don’t I need money to invest to get started? To get started you need information.  You may need to learn a skill set or augment your current skill set to better manage your cash flow and expenses to create some money.  Waiting until you have money to invest will almost always guarantee that you never will have money to invest.  Simply put, ’People who have money have planned to have money’. So, what’s your plan? You need information so that you know where you want to go.  Step one: invest in yourself, invest in your education.  There are many choices.  When should you start?  How should you start?  What goals do you have?  What investment ideas or financial vehicles are right for you?  Having a pile of money without a plan can guarantee failure with absolute certainty.  To gather those answers you must begin gathering information and see what expands your understanding, your skill set, and your earning potential. Time is your most valuable ally on this journey.  Procrastination is your most underhanded foe.  Make a decision and get started.  Then do something everyday to take steps toward your first goal; read an article, listen to a podcast, watch a video… While you take a break from doing that, focus your thoughts on the 2nd and 3rd goals!  So, what are you going to do right now to take your first step?

Posted by David P.
Answered on March 3, 2022 11:41 am