FAQ: Expense of Services?« Back to Previous Page
FAQ: Isn't your level of assistance expensive?
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Isn’t your level of assistance expensive? See the menu here on the site for Client Services and the dpRE PMA membership by which I am currently offering education and assistance to ”private clients” rather then the ”general public”. THE OLD ANSWER: ”Through my Wealth Strategy services, no; not to my clients. My clients [did not] pay for my financial services. The companies that issue[d] the contracts to the clients [had paid] me (to assist the clients).” THE CURRENT ANSWER: I liked very much that I could help people and have the contract underwriter pick up all the costs, however, they pulled their support when I changed my business model. They won’t pick up those costs anymore. I have taken such assistance into a private membership association (PMA) where my assistance has broadened, but my time, service, travel, and research are no longer ”free” to the client. I ask that clients have their questions and strategies on paper before we meet requiring less of my time and limiting fees. I keep my schedule open to more people through such imposed discipline as ”the less time a client demands, the less expensive the help is.”; a situation we’d both prefer! My Publications: My MoneySmart Personal Financial Solutions, 2nd Ed. is roughly $25.00 USD plus tax and shipping. The price of a nice lunch that can change your relationship with money forever. The online courses for MoneySmart Chapter Walk-throughs and Personal Finance Education are reasonably priced considering the magnitude of the problems they help to solve, the documentation included, and ease of understanding gleaned from a video hands-on presentation. Most financial education out in the market is organized or sponsored by the banking industry. That’s like seeing your local drug dealer for his associated 12-step program! The banking industry will instruct you in accordance with their banking industry agenda. That hasn’t worked out well for most people’s net worth. Clients and patrons who use my materials and attend my online courses tell me the information is useful and effective. No, not expensive at all. |