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FAQ: Why is there a disclaimer on all your materials?
Posted by David P.
Asked on March 3, 2022 10:58 am

Why is there a disclaimer on all your materials? Financial information and strategy can be complex and difficult to understand.  I do my utmost to make ideas that I discuss understandable, but there are always two parties present in education: the presenter and the learner. Those of us who seek to educate others can’t be present to consult or guide every person who wishes to discuss, review, or consider the ideas and concepts which we discuss in print, online, or in person.  Therefore, we can’t be fully responsible for either an implemented idea’s failure or success.  We won’t be held responsible or liable for what the viewer thinks, understands, or manages while pursuing an implementation strategy. That reality, however, hasn’t stopped big government from implementing laws that holds one person legally responsible for what they have said even when that person is neither present nor consulted when a second party chooses a course of action.  This type of nanny-state overprotective legislation also allows unscrupulous persons and their parasitic legal representation to attempt to exploit any small chink in another person’s armor solely for whatever blood they think they can drink in the process. Imagine that you had a gun to your head and were judged moment by moment on every word you spoke.  My ideas here are immortalized in print, in video, and forever embedded on the internet (where nothing ever dies).  I may have changed my mind on an issue, yet a video from ten years ago seems to document that ”you obviously believe…[whatever I happened to say 10 years ago]”, whether taken in context or not. I do my utmost to be clear and to point out risk that I can foresee, but the choice to implement ideas or strategies is enacted at the sole discretion of the viewer.  Otherwise, those of us who have an interest in helping others say nothing, keep all our ideas to ourselves, and refuse to risk helping anyone with things that we’ve learned. It’s an utterly counter-productive cultural construct, yet, we are forced to deal with it.  I don’t like where lawyers and politicians have lead our culture, but, here we are.

Posted by David P.
Answered on March 3, 2022 11:56 am