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If you’d like to further support our work and this site, please review the links in the site menu to books I’ve published, trade items, MoneySmart Merch stores, and my other activities.

Please also take note of my affiliate relationships on this page. Meaning, if you follow the links to their site and become their customers, they pay me for “the lead”. If you find something you like, you help me free up time to create more free resources, to work a bit less, and spend more time doing things I enjoy, like making music!

Me and my Ibanez SA

The products and companies listed on this page are those I have done business with, do business with, or would like to do business with… these are my personal recommendations.  These goods or services save you time, peace of mind, health and wellness, or are just quality worthy of recommendation.

Developing SOSv1

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Bluehost WordPress Hosting

Bluehost is the Recommended Host Since 2005!  From inexpensive shared hosting, to virtual private hosting, or servers completely dedicated to your business, Bluehost can accommodate your hosting support needs at highly competitive rates.

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The lack of drama has been a welcome change!”


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Western Digital – data storage

The product line includes WD™ External Hard Drives (Passport), internal hard drives, internal solid state drives, commercial capacity drives, data center solutions, flash drives, SanDisk memory cards, portable drives, personal cloud devices, special application devices, and even accessories. I own about half that list and of some items I have several units! Western Digital and SanDisk are simply my first choice for storage of vital digital information. [WD Store Home Page]

My Passport – pocket size to 5Tb.
Micro SD

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