What if…

What if falling-market-loss could be replaced by a guaranteed floor that prevents market loss against your account?  What if there were no taxes or penalties for using your wealth before 59-1/2?*  What if your 401(k)-rollover earned you up to a 10% bonus in your account at implementation and both capital and bonus earned future returns?  What if I showed you how these strategies work and all it cost you was a little time to learn something new?

Contact me and we’ll begin that conversation:  PH: 209-651-0809 or davidpandone@gmail.com

*vs. TDRPs like 401(k) and IRAs

David is a creative soul who pursued art, music, and photography since his youth. A former public school teacher at the high school level, David has lead instruction for groups both large and small. With three books to his publishing credit and several presentation programs, David continues teaching others the skill sets that have brought him success.

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